
Sleep is the cousin of death

Well, after the whole "Mack and The Christmas Pumpkin" episode, I, understandably, had some trouble getting back to sleep. So, I started making random lists in an attempt to induce slumber. Here's what I got:

Ten Bands From the 70s/80s Who Are Still More Relevant Than Nickelback

  1. The Clash
  2. The Jam
  3. Elvis Costello & The Attractions
  4. The Smiths
  5. The Cure
  6. Madness
  7. The Pogues
  8. The Ramones
  9. Blondie
  10. The GoGos

Ten People I Want to Meet Should Everything I Believe Turn Out to be Bullshit and Heaven Actually Exists

  1. Bill Hicks
  2. Joe Strummer
  3. Johnny Cash
  4. Emma Goldman
  5. Elizabeth I
  6. Oscar Wilde
  7. Anais Nin
  8. Jerry Orbach
  9. Nils Bohr
  10. Mr. Rogers

Five People I Want to Visit on a Future Day Trip to Hell, Just to Make Sure They Got There

  1. George W. Bush
  2. Margaret Thatcher
  3. David Beckham
  4. Fred Phelps
  5. Celine Dion

Ten People With Better Hair Than Jim Jarmusch

...I bet you can't come up with any, either.

Five Random Thoughts

  1. Beyonce's sister, Solange, has the worst name ever. It sounds like a topical ointment for a sexually transmitted disease.
  2. Rich describes J.Lo's new single as "The sound of a dying cat reacting to a car alarm." I disagree...I would rather listen to that than J.Lo.
  3. I have no middle name, and as a result, my initials don't spell anything fun. My brother's initials spell "gag;" my sister's spell "fag."
  4. I was born at 6:41 a.m., and often find myself looking at the clock at that very time. I have a debilitating fear that the first time I look at the clock and it reads 6:40 will be the exact moment that I die.
  5. I wonder if anyone can point me in the direction of an mp3 of Lou Barlow's "Holding Back the Year." That would make my day.

A Word of Advice
List-making is not an effective means of inducing sleep. NyQuil, on the other hand, is.


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